Mary Fahl in Echoes Podcast

Mary Fahl Talks of Love, Werewolves and Grace Slick in Echoes Podcast

Love-GravityMary Fahl doesn’t sound like any other modern singer. You have to go back to vocalists like Sandy Denny of Fairport Convention and Grace Slick of The Jefferson Airplane to find a reference point for a sound which is more like warrior angels than heavenly angels. She used to sing with October Project and that’s how many people know her, including author Anne Rice. She loved the band so much that she actually put them in her book, The Wolves of Midwinter, as source music.  Mary Fahl has just released her third solo album, Love and Gravity and it tackles themes you might expect from a woman who isn’t a teenager anymore.   It also includes a song written for the audio book of Anne Rice’s The Wolves of Midwinter.  Mary Fahl tells the story behind her werewolf song and about her musical influences from the 60s in Echoes Podcast.

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